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I'm here to help guide, support and offer tips to family members, friends, and loved ones that care for others. If you take care of someone else you are a caregiver.

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Hi, my name is Larissa.

I am a Caregiver Support Coach. I work with individuals, couples and families to reach goals that benefits everyone involved. I am here to help guide, support and offer tips to family members, friends, and loved ones that care for others. If you take care of someone else you are a caregiver.

Why should you have a support coach or even listen to this podcast?
I am here to support you, the caregiver. I am here to help you reduce burnout and learn about yourself, as well as learn new techniques, receive encouragement and be a listening ear. I am a firm believer in having a healthy support system is a benefit to the whole unit.

We will work together to enhance support skills by working on strengths and weakness self care and goals.

How will this be done?
Every week there will be a new tip given and a call of action for you to try. (We will work on skills and techniques using goal orientation techniques.)

Why do I do this?
I am a Caregiver Support Coach because I saw a need that was not met. I noticed families and loved ones that needed extra support outside of family therapy. I also believe that everyone has the ability to attain those goals and with the guidance of a Support Coach it can happen.

I hold a Masters in Marriage and Family Therapy from Capella University